En regel som jag har svårt för är att man inte skulle få ha rap-artister i gudstjänsten. Visst finns det många argument hit och dit, men i slutändan handlar det nog mest om ovana. En gång var också orgeln något nytt misstänkt. Det fanns många argument mot den. Ur Chapmans biografi över Dwight Moodys liv kan vi läsa om samarbetet med sångaren Sankey:
"An innovation in Mr. Sankey's singing was the use of the parlor organ to accompany himself. Wherever he went this little instrument was placed upon the platform for his use, and it is doubtful if he could have found anything more effective for his accompaniment. Criticised it was, for, like "singing the Gospel," it was a novelty in religious work and, therefore, was frowned upon by those who felt that established methods should never be violated. It was even charged that he had been sent to England by a firm of organ makers who paid him a large salary on the condition that he use their organs in his services. This charge was denied both by the organ makers and by Mr. Sankey, and it does not seem likely that a man, who by agreement with Mr. Moody, turned over a fortune in royalties on books of song to charitable and religious purposes would stoop to accept such an unworthy tribut."
Nu har jag respekt för dem som följer Regulative principle of worship, men jag har aldrig hört sådan argument i Sverige.
Här är en sång med min favoritrappare:
shai linne // The Greatest Story Ever Told from The Lamp Lounge on Vimeo.
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