Vaknade tidigt i morse och har slösurfat en del om montanism, en kristen karismatisk rörelse i den tidiga kyrkan som har vissa likheter med delar av vår tids frikyrka. På många sätt var det en bra väckelserörelse, men av flera skäl kom den av kyrkan att anses som en heresi. Frågan om profetia var viktig, men nog var det frågan auktoritet i kyrkan var det som ledde till att man ansåg att montanisterna var villolärare. Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary skriver:
"Montanism arose when the Church was consolidating its authority in its bishops, creed, and canon. Whether it arose because of this trend and was an effort to revive a more primitive form of the Church, or whether its appearance was simply coincidental to this trend cannot be determined conclusively. It was, nevertheless, the issue of authority which made Montanism a heresy."
Freedman, D. N. (1996). The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary. New York: Doubleday.
I den tidiga kyrkan fanns det nog en blandad syn på frågan om profetia, men det är ändå intressant att se att det fanns de som ifrågasatte profetia efter att Bibeln var färdig. Att tanken att det inte ges någon ny uppenbarelse utanför Bibeln inte var något som kom med B.B. Warfield vid det förra sekelskiftet, det det var en syn som redan fanns hos Hippolytes. Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary sammanfattar Hippolytes syn på profetia i ljuset av montanisternas anspråk på det här sättet:
"He stressed the importance of basing everything on the authority of Scripture in opposition to believing in visions and dreams. He considered prophecy to have ended. The words of the prophets and apostles contained in the Scriptures should guide the Church. He asserted that the Montanists, however, claimed to have learned more through their prophets “than from the law, the prophets, and the Gospels” (Haer. 8.19; 10.25). The crux of the question for Hippolytus was the issue of additional revelation."
Freedman, D. N. (1996). The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary. New York: Doubleday.
Baptister idag har olika syn gällande profetia. Kanske Wayne Grudem den som givit det bästa argumentet för att profetia gäller även idag, även om det är profetia i felbar form.
NLT Study Bible [Video]
1 timme sedan
John Owen, the great Puritan preacher, spoke the following message to his congregation on April 9, 1680:
SvaraRadera“You know that for many years, without failing, I have been warning you continually of an approaching calamitous time, and considering the sins that have been the causes of it…I have told you that judgment will begin in the house of God; that God seems to have hardened our hearts from his fear…and that none knows what the power of his wrath will be. In all these things I have foretold you of perilous, distressing, calamitous times…These all now lie at the door, and are entering in upon us.”
God did send his awful judgments on that society. John Owen lived to weep over a flaming holocaust that engulfed London.
Yet, before he ever saw a single one of these calamities take place, Owen faithfully cried out from his pulpit, “I am going to show you how we ought to deport ourselves in and under the distressing calamities that are coming upon us, and may reach, it may be, up to the very neck.”
Beloved, we’re living in just such a time as Owen’s. And in times like these, there is only one response to the coming storm. “The just shall live by faith!”
Owen admonished his people with tears, “Get you an ark—prepare an ark for the safety of you and your families.” Then he added, “The ark is Jesus Christ. There is no other way, no other ark—for Isaiah, the prophet, said of our Lord, ‘And a man [Christ] shall be as an hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest, as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadows of a great rock in a weary land.’ That is our ark! Blessed are they that trust only in him…I know of no safety, no deliverance, in the trials and afflictions coming upon the earth, but in believing Christ as our only refuge.”
Martyn Lloyd Jones sa så här:
"Ges en profetia av den Helige Ande, så är den ofelbar! Uppfylls inte profetian så är det en annan ande."
Tim Conway tror att aposlagärnigarna är för idag.